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What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is the thought of students living every day with a sense of purpose and direction. I believe the global church would expand if teenagers could catch a fresh vision from God.


Think about it. At every sporting event, where does the wave begin? In the student section! Why? Because students have a unique ability to energize adults. And I believe if students were to run hard and fast after Jesus then the adults would try and keep up. But it takes adults in their lives who are willing to pour themselves out on this next generation.


I believe it is our job, as adults, to help every student meet Jesus for the first time, fall more deeply in love with Him, and begin to serve Him with their lives. Life is only "full" as we pour ourselves out for others. Student Ministry 101 is a place to have real conversations about how we can empower this next generation to make a difference for King Jesus.


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